We now have confirmation from the Mairie that we can use Ecole Simone Veil for our Weekly classes for this year and we are very pleased that we can all be together again. Until Toussaint our lessons will be held at Paul Bert school.
To ensure the safety of everyone and including our host school we will retain our Covid protocols from the last academic year:
● Masks must be worn at all times.
● We will continue to check temperatures as children enter the school premises.
● Parents will need to leave their children at the school gate and there is a separate plan
below for the CP children as they are not yet allowed on school premises.
● We will provide hand sanitiser as the children enter the classrooms at all times.
Please remember to send water and a snack for your children as they will have a playtime for 15 minutes during the afternoon.
The children will need to bring all of their supplies with them for the first lesson and if you do not have a copy of the equipment list please make contact with Marie-Anne at: primary@english31.org
For the CP families:
For the first week we would like the CP children to arrive at 1:15 as this will allow everyone else time to enter the school and it will be calmer and quieter at the entrance for our new starters to arrive. There will be members of our staff at the gate to welcome you.
The sessions will be back to their original times:
CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 and CM2 - 1:00 until 3:30
Late class for CE1 and CE2 - 4:00 until 6:30
There will be a drama club again this year for CM1 and CM2 pupils. It will start in a couple of weeks and further details will be sent out separately.